
January--A Month Of Classes

January has been really good to me. I have been busy learning new stuff and trying new stuff.
Stuff like, this E-course Blog Love from A Beautiful Mess and this one, Blog (Design) Love, which is next on the list.
I have also been reading through this organizing guideline, POYEL, to organize my entire life!  Who doesn't want that?!
I have reached out to a couple of friends who have mad Photoshop skills to help me with a couple of items I haven't been able to teach myself.
And I have been re-learning how to cook, using a plant based list of ingredients. Which has turned out to be surprisingly easy and delicious and I have lost a few (pounds not friends!) in the process.

What new tricks do you have up your sleeve? I always wanna know.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! I am getting in gear to embrace the -15C weather here in Sweden! Going shopping for cross-country skis this weekend and planning an ice skating outing with my honey on one of the frozen lakes!
    We generally try to eat something green with every dinner but with the scarcity of veggies this time of year we've been eating more cabbage and root veggies like parsnips and sweet potatoes.
    I am also working on gaining skills to improve my blogging.
    ...and as always... looking for the Happy in every day!


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