

I have been working hard----on many, many things.  I always do, with family and friends and kids and jobsssss and creating happiness around me. I have no choice, the same as other women and men with and without kids all around me, there is always in there some form of hard work and "busyness".

So, this is not a post about work and the always present and spoke of "busyness".

This is a post about the success that comes out of the hard work.  Money, well wishes, folks telling you that you are great, what you have created is great?  Yes, for sure, that is good.

What I am really talking about is the moment when you quiet your inner critic and you let all the little stuff go and stand back and you say to yourself....and your work partner...."hey, good job, we did it, we did what we said we would do and we did it with hard work, style, grace and a can do spirit"......that's the success of it.

The bonus is we still had time to run home and grab a shower.

If you are in LA, come to the show tonight.  1638 Wilcox Ave (just south of Hollywood Blvd.) 5 to 9.


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