
Inspiration-Pass It On

I have been waiting for the perfect time to begin and the day is here.  Not because the timing is perfect or because I have the extra time right now or I have the perfect post content to share.
It's because I read a lovely interview on decor8 (one of my favorite blogs) and was inspired by the irrepressible enthusiasm of  Aline Caron, the author of the french blog,  A Little Fabric, (which is a new blog to me).
Holly starts out the questioning by asking about Aline's "passions" and from there through the end of the post the word "passion" is spoken many times and I believed it and felt it every time.  And I said, "I want me some of that", or as I can imagine Aline saying it, 'Yes!  Please, of course I will take a lot of that and that and that and that, I love it all!' in a very french accent I am sure.

I feel incredibly, 'passionately' inspired to have a day filled with beautiful things and thoughts and actions.

I send it back out to you, Aline, and everyone else out there.

Happy Friday!

PS thanks to Holly at decor8 for always sharing wonderful stories and ideas and photos to inspire.

1 comment:

  1. Ohh thank You so much, your post is very moving! I'm so happy to read it.
    See you soon!


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